Upcoming Events

    • Monday, July 29, 2024
    • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom

    Marketing for People Who Like to

    Make Their Own Rules

    July 29, 2024 
    11:30am - 1:00pm 

    CCEs - CC .75

    As coaches, we experience two kinds of noise that get in the way of us growing our businesses the way we want to. The first is the external noise that tells us what we MUST DO to grow our businesses – as in “you MUST use this customer management software” or “you MUST master the social media algorithms”.

    The second is the internal voice that tells us that we’re probably doing it wrong, as in “my website isn’t ready to go public” or “I’m charging too much/too little”. What if success came from blocking out the external noise -- and trusting a kinder, smarter, more compassionate, and intuitive internal voice that knows what works for you?

    Join us as Deborah shares her approach to boosting your bottom-line, client outcomes, and mental wellbeing.

    Outcomes of this session include:

    1. Learning to listen to the voices you trust about marketing, sales, and business development – and blocking out the others

    2. Embracing anti-perfectionism and start achieving business outcomes more quickly

    3. Leveraging your network of coaches as key advisors, collaborators, and referral partners.

    Deborah Grayson Riegel 

    Recognized in the top 2% of female entrepreneurs! Deborah is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and for over 20 years has been teaching, coaching, and writing about leadership communication, helping global leaders and teams communicate more effectively in a dynamic and diverse marketplace. As an Adjunct Faculty at Duke University - The Fuqua School of Business, and a Leadership Communication Instructor at Columbia Business School Executive Education, she designs and delivers custom programs that enhance the skills and impact of senior executives across various industries and sectors. 

    With a #1 bestselling book, "Go To Help: 31 Strategies to Offer, Ask for, and Accept Help", and multiple articles on topics such as feedback, influence, conflict, and collaboration, Deborah draws on her background in cognitive and social psychology, appreciative inquiry, and improv comedy to offer practical, research-based, and engaging solutions to common workplace challenges.

    • Friday, August 09, 2024
    • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom

    August 9, 2024 
    11:30am - 1:00pm 

    CCEUs - CC, 1.5

    Did you know that happy clients are 9x more likely to recommend your practice to others? And that the probability of selling to past clients is 60-70% (compared to just 5-20% with new prospects)?! Clients who become your passionate fans can sustain business forever - so how do you turn new engagements into lifelong relationships? Smartly brand, streamline, and deliver an unforgettable client experience!

    Join former Disney storyteller and branding strategist of 10+ years, Annie Franceschi, for this exciting presentation to:

    1. Discover the hidden growth potential of developing a branded client experience

    2. Gain key strategies to save time, increase your profits, and delight your clients right now

    3. Spot the simple, yet powerful things you can do to care for clients ethically and authentically with personalization and professionalism (so they rave about you to everyone they know!)

    Perfect for practices at all levels, this interactive workshop will leave you feeling excited to guide clients, get amazing referrals on autopilot, and run your business more smoothly, profitably, and confidently than ever!

    • Monday, August 19, 2024
    • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Zoom

    Keep Moving Forward Even in Difficult Times

    Mastermind Series 

    Session 2 – August 19, 4:30 – 6:00pm

    One of Ruth’s favorite coaching tools is character strengths. W can learn to identify strengths through storytelling and observation. 

    When coaching clients know their strengths they are energized, uplifted, and empowered. They are more likely to be engaged at work, with family and friends, and in their community.

    And there is plenty of opportunity to dial up and dial down strengths as needed. In fact, the closest thing there is in this model to a weakness is a misused strength.  

    Join Ruth Pearce, ACC, (PCC application submitted), JD, PMP facilitates this Mastermind and guides us in exploring how we as coaches can work with our clients to activate hope, leverage, and hone strengths, recognize, and cultivate bravery and fine tune curiosity.

    The Mastermind series is based upon Ruth’s book Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious and will explore the four pillars of Hope, Strength, Bravery, and Curiosity.

    *Purchasing the book is not mandatory and participants will still be able to derive value even without reading the book.

    In this session we will explore:

    1. What is a strength?

    2. What makes a signature strength signature?

    3. When do our strengths get in the way?

    4. How to use strengths work with clients

    5. Modeling strengths optimization to and for clients by knowing, showing, and growing our own!

    6. Optional case study from the group

    Specific supporting information is available in Ruth’s book, Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious – Chapter 6 – Motivation

    In preparation for the session, take your FREE character strengths* assessment at:


    • Tuesday, August 27, 2024
    • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Zoom
    • 98

    August Coach Connect

    Unveiling Insights Through Metaphors with Raquel Silva,
    ICF-RAC Events Director


    Bring your snacks and questions to this month's event, engage with other members, let's talk about metaphors.

    Calling All Coaches and Coaches-to-Be! We invite you to join us each month to participate in 'getting to know you' conversations, meet your Board members. 

    Registration Fees:

    This event is free and open to Members, Affiliates, Partners and Guests. Registration is required. 

    Please contact us if you have any questions: admin@icfraleigh.org

    Our host is Raquel Silva, ICF-RAC Events Director
    Coaching using metaphores 
    • Thursday, August 29, 2024
    • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom

    RoundTable Discussion

    The Cost of Doing it ALL

    August 29, 2024 
    11:30am - 1:00pm 

    CCEs - Core Competencies 1Resource Development 0.5

    Are you passionate about helping people? If so, you're probably prone to trying to do more than you have time and energy for. The problem is that doing everything for everyone else comes at a cost to you. Constantly giving up your time and energy, not knowing how to prioritize what is really important to do, and putting yourself last can lead to things like exhaustion, health issues, no time for your own wellbeing and fulfillment…and ultimately burnout. Join me for a guided roundtable discussion to gain more understanding of how to go from overwhelmed, overcommitted, and frustrated to feeling like you can effectively be of service to your clients, community, AND to yourself at the same time! We will share our collective experiences, lessons learned, and gain more awareness about how to manage our time and energy to improve our impact and enhance our wellbeing.

    As a result of this session, you will walk away with:

    1. Awareness of the personal costs you pay for overdoing & over-committing & how that relates to your impact on others.
    2. Clarity around how to be of better service to yourself and your wellbeing.
    3.  Understanding how values play a vital role in doing what matters most with your time & energy so that you can sustain yourself.

    Dani Choi (She/Her) is the founder and owner of Dani Choi Coaching. She is a professional coach, consultant, and educator. Her clients are mission-driven helpers who are overwhelmed, overcommitted, and often frustrated. She empowers her clients to effectively manage their time, energy, and impact inside and outside of work so that they can regain meaning and fulfillment in life! Dani is an ICF ACC-Accredited coach and has an M.S. in Human Services Management & Program Development from UMass, Boston. She has over 20 years of experience in the non-profit and public service sectors.

    • Friday, September 06, 2024
    • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Virtual

    Q3 Membership Meeting and Speaker Event: 

    September 6, 2024 

    11:00am - 1:00pm ET

    CCEUs - CC .75, RD.75

    Board of Director updates 11:00 - 11:30am; speaker: 11:30 - 1:00pm

    Speaker: Michael Charest

    Synergistic Sales: The Art & Science of Securing Clients with Cooperation!

    “Pushy” “Sleazy” “Manipulative” “Dishonest” “Fake”

    These are the top five words used to describe Sales & Selling in a poll of 5,000 Americans.(Daniel Pink) Do you feel like this? Most likely, it’s because we view sales as adversarial…” Us against them,” as if we’re trying to manipulate prospective clients into buying something they don’t want. It doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, by our very nature, coaches should make the best salespeople in the world! Introducing Synergistic Sales… Partnering in cooperation with your potential clients to create a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. In thist raining, we’ll blend the science (proven, specific steps) and art (your style and authenticity) of the discovery session to earn more clients in an ethical, cooperative, trusting, and respectful manner. You will never feel negative about selling again!

    Key takeaways:

    1. By our very nature, coaches should make the best salespeople in the world!
    2. Handling objections is about cooperation and not at all adversarial
    3. The more we coach during the discovery session, the more clients we receive

    Bio: Michael Charest became a coach in 1998. In 2000, he partnered with ICF Founder

    Thomas Leonard and embarked on the “Coach U Millennium Tour,” where they met over 2,000 coaches. With Thomas’ blessing, he came home and created three companies over the years, all to helpcoaches and solopreneurs with Sales & Marketing. To date he has served over 300 solos 1-1,2,000 in small groups, and 5,000 with online courses. Michael has spoken to over 45 ICFChapters.
    • Tuesday, September 10, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
    • Virtual

    Join us for one or all three sessions of our new Credentialing Special Interest Group (SIG):


    • President, Pamela Maxson, PhD, MCC
    • Immediate Past President, Kelli Hendrickson, ScD, PCC
    • Past Past President, Vahbiz Shroff, PhD, PCC

    Fee: Free

    • Monday, September 16, 2024
    • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Zoom

    We Are Braver Than We Think

    Mastermind Series

    Session 3 – September 16th, 4:30pm-6pm

    How brave are you?

    Where does your bravery show up?

    Ask most people for examples of bravery, and you will mostly hear about physical feats of bravery – first responders – especially fire-fighters - or military.

    But bravery is much more than that. 

    Join Ruth Pearce, ACC, (PCC application submitted), JD, PMP facilitates this Mastermind and guides us in exploring how we as coaches can work with our clients to activate hope, leverage, and hone strengths, recognize, and cultivate bravery and fine tune curiosity.

    The Mastermind series is based upon Ruth’s book Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious and will explore the four pillars of Hope, Strength, Bravery, and Curiosity.

    *Purchasing the book is not mandatory and participants will still be able to derive value even without reading the book.

    In this session we will explore what makes an act brave and when does it become reckless? We will also explore whether it is possible to feel fear and still be brave. 

    In this session we will explore:

    1. What is bravery?

    2. How does your client assess risk? How do you?

    3. What has fear got to do with it?

    4. Spotting brave moments in ourselves and others. 

    5. Identifying the inherent bravery in the coaching relationship.

    6. Optional case study from the group

    Specific supporting information is available in Ruth’s book, Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious – Chapter 7 – Conversation

    In preparation for the session, take your FREE Courage assessment* at:


    • Tuesday, September 24, 2024
    • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Zoom
    • 100

    September Coach Connect

    Our host is Raquel Silva, ICF-RAC Events Director


    Bring your snacks and questions to this month's event, engage with other members, let's talk about metaphors.

    Calling All Coaches and Coaches-to-Be! We invite you to join us each month to participate in 'getting to know you' conversations, meet your Board members. 

    Registration Fees:

    This event is free and open to Members, Affiliates, Partners and Guests. Registration is required. 

    Please contact us if you have any questions: admin@icfraleigh.org

    • Monday, October 21, 2024
    • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Zoom

    How Curiosity May Have Killed the Cat Coach

    Mastermind Series

    Session 4 – October 21st, 4:30pm-6pm

    Most people would say that one of the top skills of an effective coach is curiosity. If they are not curious, why will they care? How will they ask powerful insightful questions? 

    What curiosity is good curiosity – in us and in our clients?

    What comes as a surprise to many is the discovery that curiosity is not just one thing. As of now, science says it is FIVE components. 

    1. Joyous Exploration

    2. Deprivation Sensitivity

    3. Stress Tolerance

    4. Thrill Seeking

    5. Social Curiosity

    Join Ruth Pearce, ACC, (PCC application submitted), JD, PMP facilitates this Mastermind and guides us in exploring how we as coaches can work with our clients to activate hope, leverage, and hone strengths, recognize, and cultivate bravery and fine tune curiosity.

    The Mastermind series is based upon Ruth’s book Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious and will explore the four pillars of Hope, Strength, Bravery, and Curiosity.

    *Purchasing the book is not mandatory and participants will still be able to derive value even without reading the book.

    In this session we will explore:

    1. How are you curious?

    2. How does your client experience curiosity?

    3. How curious should the coach be?

    4. How do we match coach to client in terms of levels of curiosity?

    5. Why does it matter?

    6. Optional case study from the group

    Specific supporting information is available in Ruth’s book, Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious – Chapter 8 – Exploration

    In preparation for the session, take your FREE Curiosity assessment* at:


    * All assessments are evidence based, psychometrically sound and validated by multiple studies. 

    • Tuesday, November 05, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
    • Virtual
    Join us for one or all three sessions of our new Credentialing Special Interest Group (SIG):


    • President, Pamela Maxson, PhD, MCC
    • Immediate Past President, Kelli Hendrickson, ScD, PCC
    • Past Past President, Vahbiz Shroff, PhD, PCC

    Fee: Free

    • Friday, November 15, 2024
    • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom

    A New Coaching Paradigm; The Power of the Arts to Transform Individuals and Teams

    November 15th , 2024 
    11:30am - 1:00pm 

    CCEs - CC .75, RD .75

    When we think of the arts, we tend to conjure up museums, orchestra halls and theatres. But what if we found ways to actually bring the tools and practices of the visual, musical, theatre arts into coaching relationships in ways that drove transformation at the personal, team and organizational levels?

    Thanks to a major 10-year grant through the National Science Foundation we now have research that demonstrates the power of arts- based experiential learning to do exactly that! Roll up your sleeves! Through a combination of art making, presentation, group discussion we will introduce you to a new approach to leadership and personal coaching that inspires and transforms. NO art background is needed!

    Through this 90 minute, highly interactive program participants will walk away with:

    • An understanding of the theory and science behind Arts-Based Experiential Learning (ABEL)
    • Practical examples of arts-based experiential exercises immediately implementable in a coaching relationship
    • A case study which demonstrates the impact of ABEL on individuals and teams
    • Introduction to a breakthrough method for measuring impact of coaching and training on clients.
    • Opportunities to reflect on and share learnings in breakout sessions.

    Fred Mandell, PhD is a founder and principal with Creating Futures That Work, a consultancy that draws on the precision and focus of science and the insights and skills of the arts to elevate leader effectiveness in the areas of collaboration, innovation, organizational culture and professional development. Prior to establishing CFTW, Fred served as a senior executive with American Express where he built leading marketing and sales businesses and ran a multi-billion-dollar investment company. He has taught the number one rated leadership series at MIT Sloan School of Management called The Leader as Artist since 2013. The Leader as Artist series is unique in the way it demonstrates the application of the art making process to innovative leadership and organizational vitality.

    Join Fred as he explores how we can further develop and enhance your coaching skills using this innovative and exciting approach!

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