ICF-RAC Sponsorship Opportunities
Why Become a Business Sponsor of the ICF Raleigh Area Chapter?
ICF-RAC will help your company.
Target over 350 coaches in a highly vibrant ICF coaching community.
Project your company logo and message to our website.
Keep your company in view with ICFRAC regular announcements.
Reach a regional, national and global audience (our members live throughout the nation).
network and partner organizations (TODN and ATD) through events and website.
You in return your sponsorship will
Increase our ability to deliver value to our members
Support the small professional team of the chapter
Encourage other sponsors to join in
How are your sponsor dollars used?
Partner dollars go directly to sustaining our award winning continuing education programs. We'll work closely with you to continue to contribute to the betterment of the community we serve and your organization be part of our vision.
Benefits of Sponsoring with ICF Raleigh Area Chapter
- The opportunity to work with some of the preeminent coaches in North Carolina.
- Help shape organizational culture and yield discernible and measurable positive impacts.
- Learn more about how coaching can provide a positive shift in your organization.