The Coach’s Roadmap to Rapid Growth

  • Friday, August 05, 2022
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Zoom


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The Coach’s Roadmap to Rapid Growth

August 5, 2022 | 11:00 - 12:30pm ET

CCEUs- 1.5 Resource Development Credits

Chances are that you were trained how to be a great coach! Unfortunately, being a great coach isn’t enough. Coaching schools often teach how to be masterful at coaching, but they don’t teach you how to attract clients that you’re excited to work with.

It’s zero fun to know how to coach but not have enough clients to work with. (Plus, it makes your business look more like a hobby.)

That’s why this presentation is literally one you can’t afford to miss.

A successful coaching business isn’t built by hope, luck, or chance. And, when you register for this presentation, you’ll learn the exact steps that successful coaches follow (without the fluff) to build thriving practices.

In this interactive webinar, you’ll discover:

  • The 5 critical elements that will allow you to create rapid results (and ditch incremental growth once and forever!)
  • The exact roadmap that will lead to more income, impact, and freedom in your business and life
  • How shifting an invisible - and powerful - element is the foundation for building your thriving coaching practice
  • Why getting bold about your vision changes everything (this isn’t what you think!)

...and more!

Meet the presenter: Krista Martin, MBA, CPCC, PCC

Krista Martin, MBA, CPCC, PCC, is the President & Founder of Make Your Mark. As a sought-after Business Growth Strategist and Coach, she teaches coaches how to attract ideal clients, make more money, and create a bigger impact.

She's the founder of the Six Figure Impact Academy and takes a stand for helping her clients build thriving six (or multi six) figure businesses. The reach, impact, and personal transformation that her clients achieve through the process is what makes this level of success so important.

With a MBA and more than 12 years in the corporate world, she has extensive business, marketing, and sales experience. She built and sold her first "side biz" and now enjoys helping her clients build their business so it fits into their lifestyle (instead of the other way around).

Krista is the former Director of Marketing for the Georgia ICF.

In addition to running a million-dollar company that allows her to get her kids at the bus stop, her passions include supporting homeless animals with the goal of helping every pet live in a happy and healthy home.

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