The Cost of Doing it ALL

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom


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RoundTable Discussion

The Cost of Doing it ALL

August 29, 2024 
11:30am - 1:00pm 

CCEs - Core Competencies 1Resource Development 0.5

Are you passionate about helping people? If so, you're probably prone to trying to do more than you have time and energy for. The problem is that doing everything for everyone else comes at a cost to you. Constantly giving up your time and energy, not knowing how to prioritize what is really important to do, and putting yourself last can lead to things like exhaustion, health issues, no time for your own wellbeing and fulfillment…and ultimately burnout. Join me for a guided roundtable discussion to gain more understanding of how to go from overwhelmed, overcommitted, and frustrated to feeling like you can effectively be of service to your clients, community, AND to yourself at the same time! We will share our collective experiences, lessons learned, and gain more awareness about how to manage our time and energy to improve our impact and enhance our wellbeing.

As a result of this session, you will walk away with:

  1. Awareness of the personal costs you pay for overdoing & over-committing & how that relates to your impact on others.
  2. Clarity around how to be of better service to yourself and your wellbeing.
  3.  Understanding how values play a vital role in doing what matters most with your time & energy so that you can sustain yourself.

Dani Choi (She/Her) is the founder and owner of Dani Choi Coaching. She is a professional coach, consultant, and educator. Her clients are mission-driven helpers who are overwhelmed, overcommitted, and often frustrated. She empowers her clients to effectively manage their time, energy, and impact inside and outside of work so that they can regain meaning and fulfillment in life! Dani is an ICF ACC-Accredited coach and has an M.S. in Human Services Management & Program Development from UMass, Boston. She has over 20 years of experience in the non-profit and public service sectors.

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